Thiago De Sá Freire
2 min readJan 5, 2022


Metaverse thoughts part 1

Here I will outline what seems to me to be reasonable realizations regarding the development of the unified Metaverse, as well as the growth stages that have become clear to me over the past few years to be major breakpoints for the establishment of the many Metaverses.

What is it: Metaverse

-“A slang term used to describe a virtual representation of reality implemented by means of virtual reality software.” (,means%20of%20virtual%20reality%20software. )

The idea of the Metaverse is old, basically, layers upon layers of reality that are segmented for their single-point usage based on the users themselves. Think for example the City of Shanghai, China, or New York, U.S.A., cities where it is easy to find digital billboards and buildings covered in LED panels to allow for the integration of media for advertisement, the idea of the Metaverse becomes ever more clear. UX. Integration of UX-oriented Technology, Software, and Hardware, as a bridge between current reality flow and potentialized existence ( Think Fantasy meets Society ).

What the Metaverse today is, in my opinion, a practical concept that distinguishes life with and without Personal digital footprints. The availability to develop one’s career and relationships solely through Social media and Web spaces, as well as web-based lifestyles that have emerged throughout the last two decades of technological improvements, have birthed what we are now speaking of as Web 3.0. The metaverse today could well be interpreted as the layering of flexible and programable realities that have until recently been used mostly for fragmented versions of our most basic human habits on a wide scale; Communication, Nurturing relationships, Trade, Entertainment, etc… Media screens, Audio, Communication software, and Games mostly provide the tools and platforms through which we are now immersed in the Metaverse. Perhaps the Metaverse 0.1

Bonus round:

Humans with the current technology have opened up a path to freedom of physical limitations, from entertainment to work. It is no small feat, and with the correct alignments has already proven to be a segmented version of everyday reality that most enjoy, and that for some have been paramount in the inclusiveness of their own daily joy as otherwise, invalid it may have far more difficult for their integration with human society.

